Hello All- I've been a complete failure as a blogger lately. Sorry. I'll try to catch up a little bit here. We haven't really done much this summer, no vacations or anything, and the one thing that I have a lot of pics of, Bethany pretty much hogged on her blog! So after we have the baby, we should have some more interesting pics, but for now, this is what I have!
Evan and Annica took swimming lessons at the end of June. Evan did awesome, Annica did OK, so I enrolled her in a second week, which made all the difference in the world. Now they are both swimming around like fish.
We gave our house a wee bit of a facelift. Everything was forest green before, so we painted the shutters a cheery green, and the doors brown. Then we also built window boxes, and painted them brown as well. Here's the pics I have. The flowers are 10x that size now, and look gorgeous, but in June....
Here is the perrenial bed that I put in the side yard. I got to go back and dig up tons of my old flowers, so I just plugged them into the grass so they wouldn't die, and then I had to go an pull all the grass around them. Extremely time consuming. I do not recommend!! Sorry the lighting is so dark... maybe if you blow them up?? They looked OK on the camera before...
Here is a room in our house you hadn't seen before. The nursery which was too cluttered with junk to take a pic before!! So this is "before" we started working on it. Note the lovely 90's wallpaper and track lighting... Hmmmm....
Evan at Collen Park on July 4....
.... and Annica....
Okay, so for the rest of my perennials, that were still in buckets, I learned my lesson, and put Round-up on the grass before planting. Then I still had to pull it out by hand, but it was easier. Maybe b/c mom helped me for hours and hours to do it. Thank you mom!!!! :)
Anyhow, this is next to the barn, and is now full of flowers, which I will take a pic of later.
Grandma Miersma was here for a week. Not nearly long enough... I love her so dearly, and she makes us all smile and laugh continuously. Here she is with all the grandkids that were at coffee that Sunday.
And just with our family.... Don't look at the fat lady....
Mom, Grandma, me, and Dana
Here is a partial "after" picture of the nursery. We ripped out all the trim, and replaced it with nice wide stuff. Recognize it Dwight?? :) And Annica wanted to pull tape, so she pretty much did the whole room.
That's all for now. More later after the baby... I'm about 2 weeks overdue now. No big deal....!! The doctor doesn't really want to induce me b/c of baby's position, and the risk of an emergency C-section, so I'll just wait patiently!! Until then.....!