Sunday, April 17, 2011


Hi there! I just saw Dwight's post from earlier today with the cute little "cartoon" girls asking for more pics, so I figured I'd better respond! :)

This pic is especially for Dwight's girls. Annica (and the rest of us) can't wait until they come in June, and is asking all the time how many more days. So finally yesterday, we counted up all the days, and we made a colorful chain out of leftover scrapbook paper. One ring for each day. Then she can tear off a link every morning, and watch the time disappear. 55 days from today!! :)

We went to see Dad last night. He was looking so very much better than a week ago. I can't believe the difference a week has made.

Hope school is putting on a large art show. Because my neighbor has a clawfoot tub just hanging around on her driveway from a remodel her husband did, I asked her if she wanted to make a giant paper mache duck with the kids, and put it in the tub for a fun piece of art. This is the framework that we completed yesterday. Tomorrow we will mache and paint the next. So fun for the kids! :)

Annica lost her first FRONT tooth. A week ago... and the tooth fairy STILL has not remembered. Hmmmmm.....

Jason's parents treated the whole family to a night at a hotel on the Friday of Spring Break. We had fun swimming and eating pizza! I didn't get many good pics. Here is Ellie and Ev snuggling before bedtime.

The rest of the pics are just pics of our house. I never posted any or the nursery complete, and we just painted our dining room, so I thought I'd show you that as well.

Oops, I guess not in order.... here we are at the GR Childrens Museum a month ago or so. We went with "the camping group" of friends.

I don't know... would you go to a dentist with a look like that on her face?!?! (Of course I just choose not to go to ANY dentist, as I am terrified, but that is beside the point.)

And to Burger King afterward....

Ahhh, here is the dining room..... Aaaaand I must have deleted a pic at some point, b/c I know I had three down here at one point. Oh well! You will just have to always wonder, b/c it is just not worth putting it way at the top now. I stink at the reverse order thing... Always messing it up!!

Well, that is all for today. Love you all. SOOOOOO excited for D&L +4 to come!!! Now I just have to figure out WHAT IS WRONG wtih our pool, lay bark, remodel my laundry room, knock out a wall in the basement, buy flowers, plant them..... before they come. Maybe I'll clean the toilets if I have time. MAYBE.


Friday, February 25, 2011

Long Overdue

Well, obviously this is long overdue, but who am I kidding.... I am an awful blogger, never up to date. I know the point is to do a little each week or so, and not 6 months at a time, but.... I've tried, OK!?!??! So here is the PAST 6 MONTHS!!!
Oh, and I messed up in the middle of loading, and got them all horribly out of order, so sorry about that too! :)
Here is Ev, opening monster Monster truck for Christmas.

Here is Annica opening the tea set that I knit for her.


Annica at church Christmas program.

Tried to get a nice family photo, but Ellery kept running away!!

Here's where things get goofy order wise.... This is Evan giving his speech at the KINDERGARTEN PROGRAM last May!!

Trouble in the dishwasher.

And we're back to Christmas.... Evan at sunday school program.

Lovely fall day.... view across the street from us.

I got the cutest wooden piano on Craigslist. This is Charlie Brown playing it.

First haircut with "Mrs. Kelly".

Self Explainitory

Since Annica took the baby piano, I'll take this one!!

Another lovely fall day.... Evan and the Bosveld boys. I love watching those stinkers play.

Evan's 7th Birthday Cake

We had the boys of his class over for pizza and pinata. Very fun!

The next week, Annica turned 5!

I am smiling.

Grandma Miersma here for Phil Miersma's wedding. We had a great visit with her, and were surprised with a visit from Chris too! Here we are at a gathering at Heritage school.

My house on Sunday night.....

Mom and aunt Sharon.
Uncle Gene and Aunt Daris talking with Brad and Lynn and co.
Uncle Chris

Dana took Annica and neighbor Emma to pick out pumpkins to carve.

Needless to say, they weren't too interested in the actual carving, so we did it. Two owls and a leaf. And thankful for online printable templates. We stunk. I guess b/c we were so jackolantern deprived our whole lives! :)

Dad and mom went winetasting with Uncle Gerald and Aunt Celia. Here they are getting a little silly!

Here we are at Russ' for mom's birthday.

Ooops, mom must have had the camera... no pics of mom!!

Here is a naughtly little stinker on the roof of Grandpa and Grandma's shed.
This is a china hutch and dining room set that I refinished and sewed slipcovers for. Kind of proud of the slipcovers... had never done anything like it before, and I LOVE.

They are made of dropcloths that I bleached, and then painted with fabric paint. They are actually very soft now, but super sturdy. I may just try something for my own house like this.

Sheet music wreath that I made. Fun, Fun.

Cupcake hat and mitts that I made a friends's baby. Okay, I'll stop with the junk I've made section. But I think Bethany might care. Maybe.

Kiddos making cookies at Grandma K.'s house. Annica in jammies. Did they sleep over? Why no, I brought her there that way at like 3 in the afternoon. No joke. Bad mom.

Dana'a gift bearing Bear.
Kuiper Christmas Pics.

Okay, done already!!! Seriously took me like an hour. Love you all! :)